Just one year ago, she was tiny and brand new and only minutes on the Earth. Just one year ago, she could only cry or sigh or stay quiet to let us know how she was feeling. Just one year ago, she fit inside my body, and I was her sole source of nourishment. Just one year ago, we didn't really know her, and our family of four was a new experience.
Just one year ago.

And now, she is bigger every day and an entire year old. Now she can cry, giggle, scream, talk, laugh, grunt, squeal, babble, and pout to let us know how she is feeling. Now she weighs 16 pounds, fits only in my arms, and loves to experience and try all the tasty things the world has to offer. Now our family of four feels natural and content, and we don't know what we would do without our sweet cuddle bug, Lorelei. Now, we know every little thing about her personality, and we continue to learn about her as she learns about herself.
What a difference a year makes. What an amazing journey- we love you, sweet girl!
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