Tuesday, December 29, 2009

So ends another year

Another year is drawing to a close, and I find my brain absent the list of "shoulda dones" or "wish I dids" that normally accompany this time of year. I'm perfectly content with how 2009 played out, and that isn't something I've been able to say very often before.

We were lucky enough to spend a lot of time with each other, and our family got to travel to some amazing places this year. Even better, we got to share some wonderful trips with some wonderful people in our lives. Not only did we get to see our families (almost every single relative we have, at that!), we also got to take on adventures with some incredible friends, too.

Jason fulfilled some of his professional goals, and I did the same--that has been a great feeling and source of satisfaction for each of us.

We got to celebrate 4 amazing years of marriage. It has been an outlandish, fun-filled, dramatic, loving, joyful, chaotic, nourishing, intense, beautiful journey, and we look forward to many more years together.

We've been able to watch our lovely girls grow and change from babies into toddlers and from toddlers into preschoolers- how amazing that has been!

We've grown our family by one giant mutt who loves each of us and makes us laugh together.

We've been healthy, and we have been reminded of just how fleeting and precious good health is, so this is not something we take lightly.

It has just been a fantastic year, for the most part.

Even in the things that have not been wonderful, such as the situation with Josh, Jason and I have taken comfort in the fact that we are a team, and we have done everything we can to remedy a rotten situation. While the rough stuff has not been easy, we've fought the good fight together and continue to do what we can until one day it may make a difference.

2009 has been the best year of my life so far, but I'm not giving up the pursuit of topping it- I'm living each moment to the absolute fullest. 2010 promises to be just as wonderful.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Countdown

Christmas cookies baked? Check.

Holiday cards in the mail? Check.

Presents wrapped? Check.

Christmas Day brunch planned? Check.

Trip to see Santa? Fake snow for Santa "footprints"? Reindeer food packaged?

Check. Check. Check.

I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed, and I'm stunned that Christmas is almost here. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of holiday parties, special activities, shopping, wrapping, baking and tying up loose ends.

We took Caitlyn to see The Nutcracker for the first time, and I think we will make it an annual tradition. She loved the dancers, the costumes, the music and the pageantry of a trip to the theater. It was fun helping her get dressed for a big girl date with Mama and Daddy, and watching her face as she watched the ballet was one of those priceless events Mastercard likes to put in their commercials. I cannot wait until both of my girlies are old enough to go together!

Our Christmas Day will be a quiet affair. The girls have a very modest number of presents beneath the tree since we have chosen to take them on a special trip later on in the year. They have what they need, they will get a few extra-special gifts they are sure to love and we will avoiding adding so much excess to a toy closet that is already bursting at the seams. We've decided to continue our tradition of seeing a movie on Christmas Day, and we will spend the rest of the day relaxing at home with each other.

It's kind of nice to make the holidays a low-key affair.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our Family Pictures at the Beach

I was reading my friend Kim's blog today about her adventures in trying to take pictures of her girls for their family Christmas card. Her description of the process made me laugh because she captured the experience perfectly. In fact, she made me want to share our family Christmas picture adventure because getting a Christmas card picture is quite a feat, as so many parents know.

This year we decided to take family pictures while Chris was visiting, and since we all love the beach, we thought that would be a perfect spot to take pictures. Jason and I have learned a few things about taking pictures with kids.

1. You have approximately 12.6 minutes to get the pictures taken. Schedule an hour session, if you must, but know that the extra 47.4 minutes are gonna be a big fat waste of time.

2. Do not (EVER) put the actual picture-taking
outfits on the kids before you arrive for the session. Even if you don't give them anything to eat or drink, something will be spilled in a prominent location on the garment. Let the kids ride in the car topless, and then slap clothes on them at the last possible second.

3. Have a game plan ahead of time. Don't worry about what the photographer tells you to do. When you get there, run like hell to your pre-assigned places, grab a kid and smile for all you are worth.

4. Do not underestimate the weather. Even if it is 70 degrees out, your child will begin to whine about how he is "FREEZING, and I can't even feel my feet" about 3 minutes in. Yes, the same child who will happily play in 50 degree water, swearing up and down that his lips are always blue.

5. Don't waste your time telling the oldest child he needs to always be looking and smiling. Because he won't. So you might as well save the frustration and just accept that when you finally get a great shot with the baby smiling, the oldest will be picking his nose or looking in the opposite direction.

6. When the photographer tells you she wants to take some shots at this great tree that is just "right over there," don't go. The tree is a mile away, across muddy sand, filled with bugs and your kids will break down in a puddle of tears before you are even halfway there.

7. Relax. Have fun. Remember that the quirky things your kids do in the photos, like posing like a princess or smirking with nose wrinkled up are priceless bits of their changing personalities that you will never get back.

So, without further ado, our photos:

What day is it??

Things at our house have hit the fever pitch that always comes with the holidays. As if that wasn't enough to keep us busy, we just finished our Thanksgiving visit with Chris, I took the GRE and Jason has finals going on. Add that to the normal craziness that comes with kids, a cat, a dog and working, and, well, I hope you can understand why I have written nothing in a month!

So . . . . here's a quick update:

Thanksgiving with Chris
Jason went out to visit with both boys for a few days before coming back here with Chris for a week of togetherness. The girls were head-over-heels in love with him, and he played his big brother role really well. He is growing up so quickly, and even though he lives primarily in a house that is night and day different from ours, he adjusts so easily and fits in so well.

We spent two days at Great Wolf Lodge, took family pictures and had a yummy Thanksgiving meal.

We also hit up the first Christmas Town Busch Gardens has ever hosted, and a jolly time was had by all.

As per our usual tradition, the Christmas tree went up on Thanksgiving Day, and it was interesting to try to hang ornaments with 3 little kids.

It has long been a dream of mine to max out my educational opportunities with a doctorate. However, with Jason in the Army and kids to take care of, the timing has always been a challenge. I am in the process of applying to several schools in hopes that I can start once we move next year.

I spent several weeks preparing for the GRE, and I really should have started much, much sooner. But, I didn't make a final decision to begin the application process until October, so I did not have much time. The verbal section never scared me since that comes easy to me. However, the math? Well, that's an entirely different story. Other than the statistics class I needed for my Masters degree, the last math class I took was 10 (yes, TEN) years ago. And I was very frustrated by the review books and their ridiculous math practice tests. In all honesty, I completely ignored the math information for the week leading up to the test because it made me want to cry.

And cry I nearly did when I finally went in to take the test and saw my unofficial scores. Let's just say I shocked myself because I way outperformed what I thought I could do. Glad that's over- it certainly makes my Christmas seem more merry and bright.

Jason is studying. We have one more week until we get to really spend time with him, and we are all counting down! One more semester of law school left!

What can I say about Caitlyn? She is a mess. Her current pastimes include playing Spiderwick Chronicles (in which she slays goblins and dances like a fairy), playing Dora (in which she orders "Boots-Lorelei" around on adventures) and cracking me up with her daily litany of observations. She also likes to pretend to be a cheerleader, a doctor, a ballerina, a hiker and a teacher. Just the other day she told me she wants to be a teenager-doctor-cheerleader when she grows up.

Long our quiet little girl, Lorelei has begun to find her voice (for something other than shrieking, that is). She is still the adventurer in the household, and there is nothing this little girl is afraid of. I had to rearrange the living room because I did not want her to plummet to her death, since her daily pastime is to try to scale new heights and reach points never seen by a 16 month old before. She is still a sweet little cuddlebug, and we love her to pieces.
The Animals
What can I say about them? I'm not a huge fan of the cat, and I love the dog. Both like to play with the kids, shed and eat. Oh, and Smoky likes to run through the woods on our family hikes and wiggle his whole body when Jason gets home.