Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Countdown

Christmas cookies baked? Check.

Holiday cards in the mail? Check.

Presents wrapped? Check.

Christmas Day brunch planned? Check.

Trip to see Santa? Fake snow for Santa "footprints"? Reindeer food packaged?

Check. Check. Check.

I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed, and I'm stunned that Christmas is almost here. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of holiday parties, special activities, shopping, wrapping, baking and tying up loose ends.

We took Caitlyn to see The Nutcracker for the first time, and I think we will make it an annual tradition. She loved the dancers, the costumes, the music and the pageantry of a trip to the theater. It was fun helping her get dressed for a big girl date with Mama and Daddy, and watching her face as she watched the ballet was one of those priceless events Mastercard likes to put in their commercials. I cannot wait until both of my girlies are old enough to go together!

Our Christmas Day will be a quiet affair. The girls have a very modest number of presents beneath the tree since we have chosen to take them on a special trip later on in the year. They have what they need, they will get a few extra-special gifts they are sure to love and we will avoiding adding so much excess to a toy closet that is already bursting at the seams. We've decided to continue our tradition of seeing a movie on Christmas Day, and we will spend the rest of the day relaxing at home with each other.

It's kind of nice to make the holidays a low-key affair.


  1. I love the Nutcracker. The first time I went to see it, I thought I was going to be IN the Nutracker. Yes, that's right, be IN it, not watch it. I was very disappointed but clearly very confident in my thinking that I could be in the Nutcracker on a whim.

    It was a nice memory anyway LOL. Glad Caitlyn enjoyed it!

  2. Molly's class went for a field trip a few weeks ago to see it, and I went with her. It was the first time either of us had seen it. After it was over, Molly said, "Momma, I'll NEVER go into ballet!" I think she's more of a play girl. She didn't like that there were no words.

    Sounds like you have a great Christmas planned!
