This year was, by far, my favorite Halloween thus far. The girls were adorable and polite, and they both enjoyed trick-or-treating.
We went to the local outlet mall as we have done since we moved to Williamsburg because the stores are close together, which means little feet don't get worn out so quickly. Both girls walked the entire time, and Lorelei shrieked anytime we tried to carry her.
Caitlyn was very good about waiting her turn at each store, and she made sure to thank each person for her candy. Once, as we were leaving the store, she said, "Oh no! I forgot to say thank you!" We ran back inside so she could thank the lady for her tootsie roll.
Lorelei took a few minutes to warm up to the idea and fully get what was happening. The expressions on her face when the first few people added candy to her bucket were priceless! It didn't take her long to start charging into stores, loudly announcing her presence and begin to nod her thanks at the bounty of sugary sweets that came her way.
Lorelei was precious and cuddly in her pink flower costume. I can't believe Caitlyn wore that same costume just a few years ago. What cute sisters my girls make!

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