Saturday, April 4, 2009


Growing up, I always wanted to have a sister. I thought it would be great to have someone to share clothes, stay up late with and confide in, and I assumed that sisters must be the best of friends. Instead, I had a brother, and we really didn't have all that much in common (but I love him!). And I got to do all of the girly things with my best girlfriends, which was also great.

Now, I am lucky enough to be raising sisters, and I gotta say, it is just as much fun as I thought it would be. 
When I was pregnant with Caitlyn, I just knew she was a girl right from the beginning. Boys are great (spoken as a stepmom to two of them), but I really wanted a daughter. When I was pregnant with Lorelei, I think most people expected me to be wishing for a boy. Nope. First and foremost, I wanted a healthy baby, but a close second was a wish for another girl. 

I love saying things like "the girls" and "my girlies." I love the clothes, the hair bows, and all of the other girly junk that comes with the X chromosomes. Just recently, Caitlyn and Lorelei have REALLY started to interact with each other, and Jason and I crack up watching them. Mostly, Caitlyn is very sweet and loving to her little sister, and mostly Lorelei just giggles at anything and everything Caitlyn does. But, even at the tender ages of 2.5 and 8 months, we have seen glimpses of the epic battles that are in store for us. 

"Give me that!" "Mama, make Lorelei move." "That is MY dolly." "Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"
But, when push comes to shove, they love each other. Caitlyn turns into a little mama sometimes, and she worries about things like how badly Lorelei's budding teeth hurt and whether or not she needs a nap. When anyone, including her brothers, is too rough with Lorelei, Caitlyn lets them have it. During Christmas break, Josh kicked at Lorelei, and Caitlyn ripped into him with all the fervor that her little body could muster- "You don't hit my sister! She is so little, and you don't ever, ever do that. I love her!" 

I'm sure that is a story I will be reminding the girls of in about 12 years when they claim that they really can't stand each other- you are always there for your sister.

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