Thursday, April 30, 2009

We have a walker . . . kind of, anyway

Lorelei is on the move. Just this week she has officially become bipedal, and I can honestly say I am not ready for it. She is not very good at walking yet, having only taken single steps without support thus far. She stands, steadies herself, reaches out, takes a single step and then does a face plant before she starts all over again. But I know how quickly that will change as she becomes more practiced. My sweet little snuggly baby is becoming a toddler. Cry, cry, cry.

I can't believe that she is already doing this! Caitlyn could stand alone around 8 months, but she didn't take her first real steps until she was 11 months old. Josh didn't walk until he was over 13 months old, and Jason says Chris was around 11 months for his first steps. So, I figured I had a bit more time before Lorelei took these memorable steps, one of the hallmarks of leaving babyhood behind forever. 

And I know that this is just the beginning. Soon she will start blowing kisses and dancing and running. She will begin to imitate life around her through pretend play. She will sing songs and mispronounce words as her vocabulary explodes. Her hair will grow long, her teeth will fill in, she will stop nursing and sleep through the night, every night. Before I know it, she will be picking out her own clothes, swimming by herself, reading her own books at night and voicing her own opinion on every subject fathomable. 

Before I know it, she will be nearly 3, just like her sister. I'm not ready for my last little baby to grow up so quickly. I have been determined to soak up every baby nuance of her, and I haven't gotten enough yet- not enough warm baby hugs and slobbery kisses, not enough gentle arm pats as she nurses, not enough toothless grins and banana-filled smiles, not enough sweet baby smell and "mamamama" cries as she holds her arms out to me. Not enough, not nearly enough.

The days will continue to race past, and I will continue to try to be content with holding onto warm, sweet memories of how she was as I become entranced and fall in love with who she is, who she is becoming. Who they BOTH are becoming. It truly is a privilege to be their mom. Sometimes I just wish I could hit pause, or at least slow down the racing clock.

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