Monday, September 7, 2009

Airplane restrooms from a 3 year old perspective

When the kids and I went to Texas, our flight had some interesting moments--pretty typical when one adult flies with 3 kids.

It began when we got to the airport at 4:15. Yes, that is am. As in 4:15 in the morning, before the sun is even awake, which means I had to drag 3 kids out of bed at 3:15. Which, for my kids, means that they are now up for the day.

Anyway. We got to the airport, and waited to check in. When we got up to the desk, the agent informed me that the flight was oversold, and since we had not paid to preselect our seats, there might not be space for us on the plane. Are you kidding me? You want me to wait in this tiny airport for 3 extra hours AFTER I have gotten 3 kids out of bed because YOUR company oversold the flight by a dozen people? I was really nice to the woman, hoping she would be able to help us out, and she got us onto the flight by bumping us up to business class.

Oh, I can't tell you the less-than-thrilled looks my crew and I got as we marched in single file to business class. I am sure there were lots of pleasant, happy thoughts coming our way. I got the kids settled in. Chris read the entire flight. Caitlyn, of course, talked the entire flight. And Lorelei, who normally flies so well, was fussy for a solid 30 minutes. I guess she felt it was her duty to live up to all of those dirty looks.

About an hour into the flight, Caitlyn announced that she needed to go potty. I gathered her and Lorelei, told Chris where we would be, and marched her off to the potty. I'd barely opened the door, when she eyed the tiny space and announced indignantly, "Mama, that is NOT a potty." I tried to explain that it was, but it was just smaller than normal. Having none of it, she decided she would wait until we landed. Which was great since I'd not figured out how the 3 of us were going to fit.

Shortly after we got back to our seats, I realized I needed to change Lorelei's wet diaper. I want to emphasize that it was ONLY WET. Very discreetly, as I always do on plane rides, I grabbed a fresh diaper, and changed it quickly with Lorelei laying in my lap. As I was snapping her jammies back up, ready to stow the ONLY WET diaper in a plastic bag for disposal, the loud-mouthed flight attendant shouts, as she passes us on her way through business class, "Excuse me, ma'am, you cannot change that dirty diaper here. You need to go to the restroom to take care of that next time, and I will be by shortly with a plastic bag so you can throw that dirty diaper away."

Ah, humiliation and a strong desire to let everyone know it was just a wet diaper. And I didn't smear the contents on a seat or passenger near me.

Of course, Caitlyn had to add her two cents. "Mama, you can't change Lorelei in that potty. Where would you put her?"

My thoughts exactly, Caitlyn.


  1. i had the same thing happen to me when I changed Kausten on the Amtrak. Boy did I wish he would of peed at that time. I am sorry, but bathrooms are so dirty, and he was on my lap. Ohhh I was so angry. I am proud of you for traveling with three kiddos.

  2. I've had looks like that in similar places, I wish people would stop and TRY to put themselves in your shoes for just one moment before they go down that road. Shame on her!
