Tuesday, December 29, 2009

So ends another year

Another year is drawing to a close, and I find my brain absent the list of "shoulda dones" or "wish I dids" that normally accompany this time of year. I'm perfectly content with how 2009 played out, and that isn't something I've been able to say very often before.

We were lucky enough to spend a lot of time with each other, and our family got to travel to some amazing places this year. Even better, we got to share some wonderful trips with some wonderful people in our lives. Not only did we get to see our families (almost every single relative we have, at that!), we also got to take on adventures with some incredible friends, too.

Jason fulfilled some of his professional goals, and I did the same--that has been a great feeling and source of satisfaction for each of us.

We got to celebrate 4 amazing years of marriage. It has been an outlandish, fun-filled, dramatic, loving, joyful, chaotic, nourishing, intense, beautiful journey, and we look forward to many more years together.

We've been able to watch our lovely girls grow and change from babies into toddlers and from toddlers into preschoolers- how amazing that has been!

We've grown our family by one giant mutt who loves each of us and makes us laugh together.

We've been healthy, and we have been reminded of just how fleeting and precious good health is, so this is not something we take lightly.

It has just been a fantastic year, for the most part.

Even in the things that have not been wonderful, such as the situation with Josh, Jason and I have taken comfort in the fact that we are a team, and we have done everything we can to remedy a rotten situation. While the rough stuff has not been easy, we've fought the good fight together and continue to do what we can until one day it may make a difference.

2009 has been the best year of my life so far, but I'm not giving up the pursuit of topping it- I'm living each moment to the absolute fullest. 2010 promises to be just as wonderful.

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