Monday, June 1, 2009

Staying at home

Staying at home with the girls is very rewarding, but it is equally trying some days. Trying to find things to keep them entertained, teaching them, shopping for and fixing healthy meals, taking care of the household chores, carving out "me time," and all of the other tasks necessary to our day- well, let's just say I never worked this hard at any other job I've had!

Back before Caitlyn was born, we had custody of the boys about 45% of the time, and both Jason and I worked full time. Because of his schedule, I was the one to get them ready in the morning, drop them off at daycare before I went to work, and pick them up in the afternoon after work. At the time I thought I was really busy, but boy, was I wrong! By the time I picked the boys up, they'd had healthy meals all day, prepared and cleaned up by someone else, they'd played ALL day long, taken naps, and were ready for some quiet time. We'd get home, play a bit, cook dinner, and then it was nearly time for baths, books and bed! The house was always really clean because we were all gone all done long, and I wasn't exhausted at the end of every day.

Being at home, there is no quiet drive to work after the daycare drop off. There are not, in fact, many moments of quiet all day long- not even to use the restroom! There is no teacher, no chef, no entertainer- there is only me! From 7 am until 5 pm, there is only me to do everything for the girls to keep them happy, healthy and learning. 

Don't get me wrong.  I fully recognize just how fortunate I am to be home with the girls. I know how heart wrenching it is for some of my friends who would like to be home, but must work an outside job. I am very lucky- it can just be a challenge to keep up the routine with little down time.

In an effort to keep all of us sane, I try to keep a daily routine. We don't do pajama days (unless the weather is awful and cold- maybe once a month!). We don't watch television other than morning cartoons. We do try to go somewhere everyday. We do a little bit of school time everyday for Caitlyn, and we do an art project or craft nearly everyday. 

Especially in the summer, when the days are so long, I make a monthly calendar. There are a lot of programs in our area- free kids' movies, free bowling, music class, special story times, day camps, swimming lessons, gymnastics classes, play groups and so much more.  Just recently, Caitlyn also has a "school" calendar so I can keep track of whatever it is we are learning- shapes, letters, sight words, numbers- whatever. Writing it down just keeps us organized.  It also helps me feel like we are actually accomplishing something every week, rather than just going aimlessly through the days, passing the time. 

I think that is my OCD side coming out, or perhaps my education background kicking in. Hey, whatever works!

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