Friday, August 14, 2009

Houston, uhh, we have a busy schedule!

These days I am writing a lot, but none of it seems to be for fun or family. I recently applied to write for a web company, and I have been busy with lots of articles from them. So far, I'm loving it (and so is the travel fund!).

But, between that and being in Houston to visit my family, I haven't had a lot of time lately for updates. Why don't we make this a list??

* Chris had a blast with us in Houston and at the lake. I am so glad that he wanted to extend his visit. He is a great kid, and we sure miss him now that he is back in Oklahoma. He and Caitlyn even traded bears so that they would be able to hug each other's while they are apart, and I think that Jason and I might have to get in on that as well.

* The girls and I have been busy seeing friends and family. We spent a couple of days in Shreveport, and now we are back in Houston. We have been staying busy and trying to stay out of the heat- over 100 degree temps are reason #657 I don't want to live in Houston.

* Caitlyn has decided that accents are fu-uhn, and she is drawling like a little cowgirl. Any word that has an "a" in it has been extended by at least one syllable, sometimes more. On our way home from Louisiana, she asked me, "Maah-ma, can I maa-ay have a craaaaack-er?" I only wish that words could convey the very cuteness of her little voice.

* Lorelei is busy capturing the hearts of everyone we meet. She has a such an infectious little smile, coupled with a bashful look from beneath her eyelashes that just makes everyone want to snuggle her. Luckily, she loves to be snuggled, so this trip has been wonderful for her.

As soon as I get a chance, I will get some new pictures up. These kids change so quickly!

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