Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pajama Preferences

Kids often have strange aversions and preferences that can change from week to week. One week your kid is sleeping with the Tylenol bottle*, and then the next, she chucks it across the room when you hand it to her at bedtime, ya know?

Both of my girls have some fairly odd quirks, so at this point, I think it takes something really weird to shock me, but Lorelei has done it with her latest pajama preferences.

Two months ago, my mom bought the girls some very adorable pink monkey jammies. They are your run-of-the-mill cotton winter jammies--no odd zippers, scratchy tags or built-in teeth on the smiling monkeys.

Regardless, Lorelei has developed a deep-seated dislike for her pink monkey jammies. Though she wore them just fine for the first six weeks she had them, now she throws a GIANT fit if they come anywhere near her. Seriously, I should get her reaction on video because, as upset as she is, it really is kind of funny.

Tonight Jason tried to put the offending jammies on her after her bath. She squirmed and screamed and shoved them as far away from her body as she could. We finally got her calmed down by talking about how cute the monkeys are and had her nodding away while we put them on her.

She played happily in the jammies for a few minutes before a smiling monkey on her sleeve caught her attention, and she immediately tried to rip the clothing from her body. Again, we were able to calm her down by telling her how cute her jammies were.

As we stood in the bathroom, joking about monkey nightmares that must have set off the aversion, Lorelei scampered off *we thought* to play, thoughts of tyrannical monkeys banished from her mind.

Ha! Nothing in parenting is EVER that easy!

A few minutes later, Lorelei walked in with a different pair of pink jammies she procured from the stacks of freshly washed laundry. She held them up and demanded, "These!" as she again tried to pull off the ones she was wearing. Since the only real difference between the two pairs is the fact that one has kitties and one has monkeys, we've concluded that a monkey somewhere offended our little red head.

Being the kind parents we are (after apparently tormenting our 18 month old by forcing her to wear jammies she hates), we removed the first pair, dressed her in the new ones and called it a night. Lorelei was pleased with the change, and she proceeded to throw the perfectly fine jammies in her closet before running off to chase her sister.

Although we don't quite get her sudden disdain for the cute pink monkeys, at least she has some great problem solving skills, right?

*Yes, Lorelei slept with a tylenol bottle for months. It was empty.

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