Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Both of the girls have strong personalities, but each of them manifests strong traits in different ways.

Caitlyn is mischievous, playful and a total know-it-all (yes, I know. Big surprise--I got mine!). When she was just learning to explore on her own, she would push the limits and climb up somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, like the back of the couch. If you told her to get down, she'd look you in the eye, slowly continue to climb and giggle.

Lorelei is just as mischievous, playful and a total know-it-all, but in a shockingly straightforward way. Lorelei also likes to climb, explore and push the limits. If you tell her to get down, sometimes she does. And other times, she looks right at you and says, "No." It isn't a mean "no" or a whiney "no." It is a very matter-of-fact statement. And actually, it is kind of funny sometimes because it doesn't sound at all like the typical two year old protest.

Coping with the strong personalities of the girls can be challenging. In general, they are very well-behaved and usually get so many compliments from friends and strangers alike for their behavior. However, just like all kids, they have their wild days and crazy moments. I try to remind myself that the traits they demonstrate that are sometimes difficult are really remarkable traits I WANT them to have as they get older.

I want them to be unafraid to correct someone who is wrong. I want them to blaze their own trail, challenge the status quo and stick up for themselves. I don't want them to be afraid to try new things or say "no" or go their own way.

Sometimes I just wish they could bottle up those traits and save them for the rest of the world, while giving their mama a bit of a break!

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