Thursday, May 21, 2009

A tylenol lovie

Neither of the girls has ever had an attachment to a blankie or stuffed animal. I bought both of them these really soft, funky blankets made out of minkee fabric with lots of ribbon tags and their names embroidered. Caitlyn rarely even played with hers, and Lorelei's stays in her crib where she sometimes snuggles it and mostly ignores it. 

Each of the boys has a lovie animal- Chris has Bear (an off-color, somewhat smelly stuffed bear that has been through the ringer of love), and Josh has a stuffed puppy, in similar well-worn fashion, named . . . wait for it . . . Puppy.  The attachment that the boys have to these animals is sweet, although if you ever happen to forget to take it on a vacation or their mom forgets to send it with them, then there is major hell to pay.  Experiencing that sort of dependence with the boys to the tune of sleepless nights and fussy naps has made me appreciate the fact that the girls have no such attachments.

Until now. 

Lorelei has imprinted, or whatever it is kids do, on the infant tylenol bottle. I think this love affair began as her first two teeth were coming in, since Jason and I would give her a 1/2 dose of tylenol to ease her pain while she fell asleep. Well, now when it is time for bed, we have to lay her down, turn on the music and then hand her the empty tylenol bottle. She clutches it tightly in her fist and hugs it to her chest, and then drops right off to sleep. The nights that we have deviated from this routine, we are back in her room within 5 minutes searching frantically for the dumb bottle to settle her back down- once she has it, peace is restored.

I feel a bit silly giving my child an empty medicine bottle to snuggle at night, but it works. I'm glad this is not the sort of attachment that she carries around with her or takes in the car. I'm REALLY glad that if this one should be lost (or thrown up on as has happened to Bear), then it will be easily replaced or rinsed off with no fear of the washing process destroying it. 

Other kids have their special "snuggies" or "chewies." They can keep their furry friends with oh-so-creative names. My little girl has a tylenol bottle- I wonder what she will name it when she starts talking?

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