Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Granola mom?

Like at least half of the planet, I am a Facebook addict. Since I am terrible at keeping in touch with people, it is perfect for me- I get to see pictures, updates, news and random tidbits from people I care about, but just don't have the time or energy to call after a long day with two little girls.

Plus, Facebook has all sorts of quizzes that tell me interesting things about myself. For example, I am most like Monica from Friends (obviously), the quote that represents my life is "Knowledge is power," and my purpose in life is as an angel in human form.  Oh yeah, and apparently I am a crunchy mom.

For whatever reason, I don't really like that label, probably because it brings to mind an unshaven woman who lives in a tent commune, but having been "forced" by Facebook to examine my parenting choices, I guess I do have to acknowledge I am pretty crunchy.

Let's see, I've used cloth diapers on both of the girls. Neither of the girls has ever had even a single drop of formula- I've breastfed both of them, and I let them wean themselves. In fact, Lorelei has never even taken a bottle. I waited until both girls were at least 6 months old to start solid food, and even then I made almost all of their food myself.  I still have 6 of the 8 jars of baby food I bought for Lorelei to be used on hectic nights- she hated it.

What else? We selectively vaccinate the girls, although there are only a couple of shots that they probably won't get at all. For the most part, this means that we spread out their shots over a longer period of time.  Lorelei will be a year old this month, and she has only gotten 5 types of shots (rotavirus, pc, hib, polio and DTaP). We got some grief when she was born because we did not consent to the Hep B shot at birth, but I personally think it is more odd than not to give a shot for a sexually transmitted disease to a newborn who is only hours old.

Hmm, we also use a variety of baby carriers, most of which can't be found at Babies R Us. Both of the girls co-slept with us for about 6 months, particularly useful since they were nursing.  I could easily see us homeschooling if we lived in an area with poor schools.

I guess we are pretty crunchy, albeit no tent communes here. : )

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