Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visit with Chris

If it seems like I am not writing much lately, it is because I have a new man in my life. Well, actually, he is not new- I just haven't seen him in a few months. We talk on the phone, I send him gifts, but now, thankfully, he is here and I get to see him everyday. And don't worry about how Jason feels about this man- if possible, he loves him even more than I do!

Chris is Jason's son, a bright, funny, calculating young man of nearly 7. He has had a place in my heart since I first met him at two, when he was obsessed with ceiling fans, the Wiggles, guitars and shaking his hair. We have been buddies from the start, and I've enjoyed watching him mature and grow. 

Chris really enjoys visiting our home, and we love to watch him interact with his sisters, both of whom are totally enthralled with their big brother. Caitlyn and Chris have A LOT in common, and it is nearly impossible to tell who has the upper hand in the relationship- they keep each other hopping. Chris is very gentle with Lorelei, and he knows just how to transform her tiny little face into a huge grin. 

Our kitty, Nermal, seems to be equally taken in by Chris. While he spends large amounts of time frantically darting away from the kids, Nermal is good-natured enough to allow Chris to lug him around on a regular basis. The two of them like to sit on the deck and watch the birds.

Because we want Chris's visits to be filled with normal family activities, we strive to keep our schedule much the same as it is at any other time of the year. We plan special outings, but no more than we normally undertake when we are just a family of four. Good thing we like to do a lot every day of the year! 

Each day, Caitlyn has a bit of school time, so I planned some lessons for Chris to do as well. He has really enjoyed learning all about space and doing science experiments. He is a very smart kid, and sadly (long story) he was put into an extended, two year long first grade program. However, he easily completes the 2nd and 3rd grade level lessons we have been doing, which is no surprise to Jason and I.

Some of the highlights of his visit here have been:
Celebrating his August birthday a bit early with a Wolverine cake:

Playing with his sisters:

Dressing up (a longtime favorite!):

Playing basketball:

Celebrating Lorelei's 1st birthday:
Having fun at Busch Gardens:

Playing at the park:

To be continued with pictures from our Great Wolf Lodge vacation!

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