Thursday, July 30, 2009

Potty Mouth

*hysterical laughter*

Had I known that toilet humor was so amusing to a three year old, I never would have given her words to use for potty functions. I just would have called everything "using the restroom"  or "results from the restroom." Somehow I don't think that would have quite the same effect on her when she gleefully shouted it at the grocery store.

But, I didn't. 

So when we go to the store or even just at home, when Caitlyn gets in a silly mood, I know that it won't be long before she is talking about poop. Or peepee. Or bottoms and vaginas. It seems to go like this:

Me: "Caitlyn, what do you want for dinner?"
Caitlyn: "Poop spaghetti!" (running away and choking on her giggles)
Me: "Caitlyn, please don't use potty words unless you are in the bathroom" ( A brilliant rule, if it actually worked). "So, Caitlyn, what do you want for dinner?"
Caitlyn: (runs down the hallway to the bathroom) "I want bottom water and poopsicles! Did you hear me? *giggles* I'm in the bathroom, so I can talk about poop. *more giggles*"

I give up. 


  1. OMG seriously LOL!! I swear, it's the influence of the older kids, I have been going through this all week! :)
